Saturday, February 24, 2007


Above vlog is my opinion about DeafMute.


Anonymous said...

Agreed! You've got the good points. Keep it going!

Gallaudet Protest Legal Issues said...

Many parents of a new born deaf child are scared already when they hear the word "deaf."

The problem is that the medical establishment has their foot in the door and they are the first contact for these parents on issues related to deafness. That's not good. The deaf community needs to organize itself and negotiate with the medical people, educated them, etc., so that parents can be fully informed.

We need to create a new medical cultural ethos in the United States. The current ethos has many problems.

We need to "de-medicalize" ourselves--everyone, including hearing people. See THIS ARTICLE for more information about the current harmful trend of the "medicalization" of society.

Congrats on your first vlog. "Tad".... are you President Lincoln's son? You don't look like you're 150 years old!

Anonymous said...

Your vlog is without translation helps deafbind to educate their improvement.

Anonymous said...

(deaf-blind) I support deaf-blind who learn how to read it translation.

Unknown said...

I do understand Ella's reasoning very well. It is important for each deaf person to use the label he is most comfortable using. If some Deaf people feel more comfortable using Deaf Mute as a label for themselves, that is fine. However if another person prefers a different label, that person should be respected, too.

However, there is a good possibility that hearing parents being scared away when they see the label, deaf mute. If so, building a bridge between hearing parents and the deaf community will become harder, hindering our attempts to educate hearing parents about the deaf community. That's something we need to think about.

Anonymous said...

I agreed with you 100% and you got BIG point. Much better now Thank you very much! Still stick with DEAF, that's it.

Deaf Tea Lady said...

You indeed presented valid points.

I believe Ella's termology, deafmute, lie in more historical origin of the sign, "deaf" and that mute does not necessarily mean degoratory word or an offensive word like "nigger" or "wetback."

It is more a cultural thing than anything. I doubt Ella would want to promote the word to the medical community. Like some readers said, "deaf" is already scary a word to parents of newly deaf children. I doubt Ella would want to add any more to the fear this word brings to those parents.

This is something to ingrain for those already in the deaf community as a part of deafhood process - acceptness of yourself as a deaf person. Ella is speaking for herself when she defend putting "mute" on her blog. She prides in being a deafmute and offers her defense to us. I get her message very clearly. I admire her for offering much a thought-provoking concept.

I also get your concerns - there is a larger segment of the population that would run away from this concept. I understand your concern that this word might find its way to this larger segment. Medical professionals might use this word to put fear into the parents in order to promote CIs.

This concept is a novelty - we need to be careful about how we want to use this word.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first Vlog, you really impressed me since you used to be oral during childhood, after that you went to Gally, your ASL is doing very well, I meant it. You had been learned A LOT to go through it, you turned out great.
I can say most deaf people prefer to called "DEAF", that is it! Some do not mind about being deaf mute. I am saying for myself -- I would like "Deaf" as simple. Thanks for sharing your opinion with us.

Gallaudet Protest Legal Issues said...

Ooops. The post above has the wrong link about "medicalization."

Click HERE for the correct link.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! You did the right thing I am glad that you spoke out for many of us, thank you.

I have seen other vlogger as he said that we should let the world know it is okay that we the Deaf people can be called " Deaf-mutes". I tried to leave my comments in there but no luck. I think they declined my comments. I don't know.

All I wanted to say that "deaf-mute" is no longer an acceptable term. "mute" refers to someone who cannont talk that is produce intelligible speech or someone who has malfunctioning or missing vocal cords.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Welcome to the Vlog World! Great to watch your your issues!

Keep on vlogging! SKE

Anonymous said...

Hi Tad!

Long time! No See! Nice discourse.

I don't believe that we have to worry about hearing parents of Deaf children and at the same time to decline to show Deaf people who use American Sign Language and not to use their voices still are success are not helpful to any situation.

I feel we need to stop to think that we are walking on eggshells at all the time and thinking we are helping. No, we are destroying the dreams of Deaf children. The eggshells need to break because many Deaf children's future is hurting right now.

So many years that we didn't do anything to enhance our services for the Deaf were because we continue to worry about hearing parents of Deaf children and hearing people.

We must show the world that we choose American Sign Language doesn't give them right to look down on us or to control our lives. It is nothing to be ashamed.

My uneasy feeling about using Deaf and Mute has done with me personally. That’s what I had been taught all my life about using Deaf Mute is bad thing. What I learned about Deaf Mute is that Deaf mute means Deaf people can't express or they do not have a voice box.
